Spotted Sheep Farm
Icelandic sheep

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Icelandic Lamb

Mild and delicious, our Icelandic lamb sells out quickly. Our lambs stay with their mothers, drinking their rich Icelandic sheep's milk. They all love eating the grasses, weeds, brush and tree leaves in the pastures. They also get locally grown hay, free choice salt/minerals, and some supplemental feed (a custom mix from Hartville Elevator, a local feed mill).

Some of the flock browsing in the pasture

Is your lamb organic?

We follow many of the same principles of organic farming, but we are not certified organic. Our feed is non-medicated. Our sheep are given no hormones. Antibiotics and dewormers are given only if necessary, and we do vaccinate. We don't use any herbicides in or near the pastures, and pesticide use is minimal (such as on hornets nests).

Where are the lambs raised?

The flock spends much of their time with access to several acres of pasture, with a mixture of trees and open grass areas. This gives them plenty of exercise, fresh air and sunshine. They have a run-in shelter in the barn they can go in and out as they please. We bring them to a paddock close to the barn at night.

Isn't it hard to take the lambs to get processed?

Yes, it's very hard. It's hard because we care about our lambs, and do our best to raise them well. We care about what they eat, how they're raised, and how they are treated. The day that it's not hard, is the day we stop raising lambs.

How much is your lamb?

The price for a whole lamb is $6.00 per pound, based on the hanging weight. Price includes delivery to a local state-inspected custom processor, and all processing fees. Your lamb will be cut and wrapped to your specifications. You may pick up your lamb at the processor, or delivery can be arranged. Please email us if you would like to be put on the list for 2023. Lambs are typically processed in November, and are sold as whole lambs only.

We generally have a range of lamb weights, and can match you with a lamb to fit your budget and freezer space. Our 2020 lambs (a typical year) had hanging weights ranging from 44 to 58 lbs.

Is the hanging weight the actual weight of the meat I'll recieve?

No, there is some additional loss. The lamb is aged about a week, and some moisture loss occurs during this time. Then depending on the cuts you've chosen, there is some waste of bone and other inedible parts. In general, the more bone-in cuts you choose, the less waste. You can also choose to get the trimmed bones, they make great stock or bone broth.

How much freezer space will I need?

You will generally need from two to four cubic feet of freezer space.

Any tips on storing lamb?

Your lamb will come wrapped in heavy white butcher paper, labeled with the type of each cut. It will be solidly frozen. It will keep longest in a non-frost-free freezer (the type that builds up ice on the inside, and you have to unplug and defrost every once in awhile). It's usually recommended to keep lamb frozen no more than 6 to 8 months before use, but I've had lamb remain fine for nearly two years in a non-frost-free freezer. However, a frost-free freezer will cause freezer burn more quickly, and you'll want to use your lamb within 6 months for best quality. Thaw in the refrigerator for a day or two before cooking. Some recipes may allow you to cook the lamb directly from the frozen state.

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