Spotted Sheep Farm
Icelandic sheep

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The Flock

Check out the 2020 lambs!

The fall fleece from any of our adult ewes may be reserved, please contact us if you are interested in reserving a fleece.

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Gracie is one of our original Icelandic sheep. She is a white pattern sheep, and carries the gene for grey pattern. She tends to have white or moorit grey lambs, with beautiful fleeces. Gracie is a fairly friendly sheep, and she gets very affectionate when she's close to lambing - she leans up against me and wants petted, just like a big dog!

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Rose is one of our original Icelandic sheep. She is black with grey pattern, and she carries the gene for solid pattern. She tends to have boldly-spotted black and white lambs. Rose is a little stand-offish, but she's a great mom.

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Brosa (Icelandic for 'smile') was the first ewe lamb born at Spotted Sheep Farm, a daughter of Gracie. Brosa is mostly white, with a bit of black around her eyes and mouth. Brosa has had both black and moorit lambs, usually grey patterned, with lovely fleeces. Brosa is the only horned sheep on our farm.

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Lukka (Icelandic for 'lucky') is a black grey ewe with a lot of white spotting, a daughter of Rose. She has a beautiful fleece with some natural curl to her tog. Lukka has had both black/white and moorit/white lambs. Lukka's fleece has been entered twice at the Great Lakes Fiber Show in Wooster, Ohio, and took first place in her category both times.

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Mysa (Icelandic for 'whey' and 'cloud') is a daughter of Gracie. Mysa is a moorit grey ewe with minimal spotting. Her tog is a beautiful moorit, and her thel varies from white, to cream, to grey. Mysa's fleece has taken one first in her category at the Great Lakes Fiber Show. Mysa usually has either solid moorit or moorit grey lambs, with minimal white spotting.

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Kemba (Icelandic for 'comb' or 'comb full of wool') is a daughter of Gracie. Kemba is a white pattern ewe, who is likely also spotted. She was a twin, has good conformation and abundant fleece. Kemba was not bred her first winter, and is due for the first time in spring of 2023. Kemba will have either white pattern lambs; or moorit lambs, which may be solid or grey pattern, and likely spotted.

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Threnna (Icelandic for 'three of something') is a daughter of Rose. Threnna is named for the three colors she has - white, black, and grey. She was a late lamb, born about three months later than the rest of the spring 2021 lambs, and has Rose's sturdy build and a wonderful fleece. She was too young to come into season her first winter, so she will be having her first lamb(s) in spring of 2023. Threnna could have either moorit or black lambs, and either solid or grey pattern, and her lambs will be spotted.

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Elding (Icelandic for 'lightning'), our ram, was named for the jagged white marking on his nose. Elding came from Queso Cabeza Farm in Michigan. Elding's tog and thel are both a medium brown, with white hairs scattered among his coat. He has white markings on his head and his chest, and a slight natural curl to his tog.

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Im memory:

Druna (Icelandic for 'thunder') was a daughter of Gracie. Druna was a moorit grey ewe who was mostly white, with some brown patches on her back, right side, and head. She had a beautiful natural curl to her tog. Druna tended to have moorit and white lambs.

Sadly, Druna and her unborn lamb were both lost in the spring of 2021, due to a ruptured uterus during a difficult lambing.

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